黃岳永: 老實說我很擔心, 突然多了一千二百多IT選民,請憑良心投票!
許樹源教授: 種票的事已經發生, 所以我們更加捍衛香港人的權利
黃耀明:IT正正是民主自由的最後防線, 投民主自由一票, 投莫乃光一票!
Lento Yip: 香港的價值是民主, 自由, 人權, 法治, Charles能夠幫到IT界, 幫到香港
李柱銘: 我對莫乃光絕對有信心,他一定能夠代表你們的價值觀去投票的!
許樹源教授: 莫乃光對民主法治的要求是極之誠懇, 極度堅持核心價值
Andy Ho: 我認同莫乃光的為人及熱誠,在業界的貢獻,是代表我們發聲的議員!
Video: John Sham endorses Charles Mok and his core values
莫乃光: 過去四年香港IT根本無做過主角,而係停滯不前 , IT需要改變!
我堅持,守護香港新聞,言論同資訊自由 (參選大會錄影片段4)
改善香港ICT形象,邀請梁振英去Silicon Valley再去北京!(參選大會錄影片段3)
I heard many useful insights from last night's ICT gathering. We have discussed many aspects such as Mainland-Hong Kong Integration, the "Hong Kong advantage", professional certification. I would like to express my thanks to the vibrant discussions and opinions from different voters, and thank you so much for your continued insparations, encouragement and support.
Video: Tony Tsoi supports Charles Mok
IT 業界o係四年原地踏步, 我哋要take back IT! (參選大會節錄2)
10 Aug, In additional of meetings with individuals and groups in the ICT sector, personal face-to-face meetings with the general public is, of course, an essential move in the campaign. It is hoped that you and I could safeguard Hong Kong. Hong Kong still possesses a high level of freedom, and the further development of the ICT sector depends on the existence of a high level of freedom.
This morning (10 Aug), we exchange dialogues with members of the ICT community near Wu Chung House in Wanchai. Good morning, and cheer up for the ICT sector in Hong Kong!
Uniting the professionals for the Benefit of All - I firmly believe, should the five candidates of The Professional Commons, Charles Mok (Information Technology), Kenneth Leung (Accountancy Constituency), Albert Lai (Engineering Constituency), Frankie Yan (Financial Services Constituency) and Stanley Ng (Architectural, Surveying and Town Planning Constituency) could all be successfully become members of the Legislative Council, we could bring the aspirations and needs of the ICT sector and the general public of Hong Kong to the legislature, and fight for the support from different parties, making Hong Kong people to realize that the pan-democrats could also make an impact in functional constituencies.
What kind of future are we seeing?
Together with Kenneth Leung (Accountancy) and Frankie Yan (Financial Services sector), both are members of The Professional Commons, we set up a street booth in South Horizons at around 7am, and meeting the voters in person. Same as you, we are also staunchly defending the core values of Hong Kong!
莫乃光:團結專業 爭取IT專業認證
Together with members of ITVoice, including Sin Chung-kai, Ken Lam and Chest Soong, we are meeting the general public on the streets again this afternoon in person, and introducing my ideals and platforms to the general public. ICT needs to change, break the impasse!
Sending in-person morning greetings and supportive messages to ICT friends in Kowloon Tong, together with SC Leung and Prof. Joseph Ng from IT Voice!
I am meeting with different members of the ICT community for exchanges and sharing tonight, they have provided many valuable opinions for me, and gave me substantial support and encouragement. I would continue to listen to your voices, without bias or favour! My persistence will continue! Thank you for your support from you all!
Charles Mok and vice Chairman of The Professional Commons, Kenneth Leung (accountancy sector), hosted a joint street campaigning station at the footbridge to the Wanchai Revenue Tower, we hope that we can turn the elections of the functional constituencies as if they were elected under a “one-person-one-vote” system, which facilitate the voters for the more direct and effectives understanding of the ideas and election pledges of the candidates.
Charles Mok and vice Chairman of The Professional Commons, Kenneth Leung (accountancy sector), hosted a joint street campaigning station at the footbridge to the Wanchai Revenue Tower, we hope that we can turn the elections of the functional constituencies as if they were elected under a “one-person-one-vote” system, which facilitate the voters for the more direct and effectives understanding of the ideas and election pledges of the candidates.
26/7 Chester Soong and Joseph Ng of IT Voice came to provide their support.。
23/7 Setting up street campaigning stations at 9 AM in Quarry Bay. Continue to interact with the voters no matter the circumstances of the weather. Even though some of them were unavailable to receive the pamphlet, I would say “Good morning” to them.
Charles Mok Submits Nomination Form for 2012 Legislative Council Information Technology Sector Election: Photo with ITVoice 2012 members
Charles Mok Submits Nomination Form for 2012 Legislative Council Information Technology Sector Election: Photo with ITVoice 2012 members
18/7 Charles Mok Submits Nomination Form for 2012 Legislative Council Information Technology Sector Election: Interviews and photo-taking by media
Video: Charles Mok Announces Candidacy for the 2012 Legislative Council Information Technology Functional Constituency
Photo with supporters
ICT Can't Wait!
Persistence, Professionalism, Democracy
Why ICT is not progressing? Why are we trapped in the past 4 years?
莫乃光化身Steve Mok繼續堅持.專業.民主 (參選大會節錄1)
Why has HK's ICT fallen short?
Let's breakthrough the stalemate!
11/7 Video: Rev. Chu Yiu-ming and Martin Lee, SC supports Charles Mok